Historic Discovery: Green Sea Turtle Nest on Rhodes Island!
Exciting news for nature enthusiasts and conservationists alike!
Not only one, but two species of sea turtles are now confirmed to nest on Rhodes!
We are thrilled to announce the publication of our groundbreaking research on the first recorded green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) nest along the coast of Rhodes. Until now, we only knew that the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nested on our shores. However, as part of a comprehensive monitoring and recording project carried out in the summer of 2024 by the scientific team of the Rhodes Aquarium – Hydrobiological Station – HCMR (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research), in collaboration with the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece (Archelon), we are proud to report the first-ever discovery of a green sea turtle nest in South Rhodes!
You can read our full publication here: Research Gate «The first Green Turtle nest documented in Rhodes Island, Greece»
Historically, green turtle nesting has been limited to the easternmost part of the Mediterranean, along the coast of Turkey. Beyond this, there have only been two records in Tunisia and Libya. In Greece, the only confirmed sightings of green turtle nesting were in Crete, in 2007 and 2019. Recent findings suggest that green turtle nesting areas are gradually expanding westward in the Mediterranean, likely due to rising sea temperatures.
A heartfelt thank you goes to Ms. Aspasia Koupadi for her invaluable contribution to this important discovery!
A Friendly Reminder:
- If you spot a turtle coming ashore to nest (typically at night), please observe from a safe distance. Do not disturb the animal and never use flash photography or flashlights.
- If you see baby turtles emerging from the nest, do not touch them, or carry them to the water. You must not stand on their way to the sea.
- In any case, please immediately report the sighting to the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes – Aquarium and «ARCHELON» for proper recording of the case and protection of the nest and hatchlings.
- If you encounter a dead or injured turtle, kindly follow the same protocol and inform the relevant authorities.
- Remember, sea turtles are protected species under international conventions, and every observation is valuable for conservation efforts!
Thank you for your cooperation in protecting these incredible creatures!
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People have the power!
The Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes-Aquarium of HCMR proceeded this morning to excavate a sea turtle nest in the area of Vlycha, strictly following the relevant scientific protocols and the instructions of ARCHELON.
But the luckiest of all were those who responded to our invitation yesterday, as they helped open a passage to the sea and witnessed young Caretta caretta turtles searching and managing to find their way to the sea!
It is extremely important that each baby turtle reaches the sea under its own power, because walking on the sand strengthens its fins, so that it can evolve into a strong swimmer!
We must not forget that under no circumstances should we put the turtles in the water ourselves! Walking from the nest to the sea, the young turtles map and memorize the beach where they were born so that they return to the same beach after about 20 years to lay their eggs!
Thank you to all the volunteers as well as the staff and management of Lindos Blu Hotel for their support and help!
In case you spot a nest or even young turtles, please immediately inform the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes – Aquarium at 2241027308
Thank you!
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The summer educational workshops that took place at YSR at the end of August were completed, hosting a high number of children and their parents.
The Educational Program was based on the book «Mister Seahorse», by the award-winning children books author, Eric Carle, of “Kaleidoscopio” Publications.
The educational activity included:
– introduction to the historical building of Rhodes Aquarium and its unique architecture
– introduction to the Mediterranean fish
– interactive book read,
– discussion on the Posidonia oceanica meadows, non indigenous species, fish behavior and plastic pollution, all based on the book,
– painting and crafts using materials that the children had brought from home,
– treasure hunt, using a real compass and map and finally,
– Aquarium visit through the «secret door».
Environmental Education Coordinator: Vivian Louizidou – Biologist Oceanographer
Stay tuned for more!
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Chelonia mydas (green turtle) found dead NW of Rhodes. The sea turtle was entangled in ghost nets
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Official video of the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes and Aquarium about the endemic fish of Rhodes «Gizani»
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Monachus monachus baby from Kolymbia beach Rhodes
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Beach clean up on Rhodes by the Students of the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes and Aqaurium
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Rhodes Aquarium – Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes 2022
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The Alien common lionfish live for the first time in the Aquarium of Rhodes.
The allochthonous lion fish Pterois miles is exhibited for the first time in a Mediterranean public Aquarium, that of the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes (HSR), Rhodes Isl., Greece. An alive individual was caught with trammel nets on January 2016 at the shallow waters of Faliraki coastal area by the professional fisherman Mr Savvas Vagianos.
Scientists of HSR of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) first reported the species from the Aegean Sea based on sightings in the coastal waters of Rhodes during the summer of 2015 with a publication in a scientific journal. This alien fish is commonly known as devil firefish and common lionfish (Gr. Λεοντόψαρο or λεονταρόψαρο) and it is a native species of the Red Sea introduced in the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. As it shows a rapid expansion in the East Mediterranean it is considered an invasive fish.
The long fin spines of this lionfish are highly venomous to the point of causing death to humans. As soon as its appearance in the waters of the island became known, HSR informed all professional and amateur fishermen, the relevant state authorities as well as the citizens of Dodecanese to pay special attention for the avoidance of any accidents.
All personnel of HSR wishes to thank the members of the “Waterhoppers” Diving School and Mr. Josef Makris for being so conscientious to notify the Station for the presence of the species, for providing relevant material and information and for their collaboration.
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