The summer educational workshops that took place at YSR at the end of August were completed, hosting a high number of children and their parents.
The Educational Program was based on the book «Mister Seahorse», by the award-winning children books author, Eric Carle, of “Kaleidoscopio” Publications.
The educational activity included:
– introduction to the historical building of Rhodes Aquarium and its unique architecture
– introduction to the Mediterranean fish
– interactive book read,
– discussion on the Posidonia oceanica meadows, non indigenous species, fish behavior and plastic pollution, all based on the book,
– painting and crafts using materials that the children had brought from home,
– treasure hunt, using a real compass and map and finally,
– Aquarium visit through the «secret door».
Environmental Education Coordinator: Vivian Louizidou – Biologist Oceanographer
Stay tuned for more!